Material structure, morphology, optical properties
Optical characterization:
PERKIN ELMER FT-IR SPECTRUM 100 with gold integrating sphere and HATR sampling accessory (ZnSe crystal); measurements in air or inert gas atmosphere. Range: 7000-400 cm-1.
PERKIN ELMER UV-VIS-NIR LAMBDA 950 double beam spectrophotometer with integrating sphere; measurements in air or inert gas atmosphere. Range: 190-2500 nm.
FS 5 STEADY STATE FLUORESCENCE SPECTROMETER (Excit. 200-1000 nm; Emiss. 230-870 nm) EDINBURGH INSTRUMENTS . The instrument is also equipped with optical fibers accessory (DUV-UV-VIS range) for big-size crystals and with sample holder (for scintillating materials up 30 cm length) for measurements in the dark and under inert atmosphere.
LUMEN double beam UV-VIS Optical Bench, equipped with integrating sphere; measurements of longitudinal and transversal transmission of big-size crystals (up 30 cm length), with sample holder for measurements in the dark and under inert atmosphere. Range: 210-800 nm.
Spectroscopic characterization:
ELECTRON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE X-band SPECTROMETER BRUKER e-scan; measurements in air, CO or inert gas atmosphere; temperature range: 77-298K. WinEPR software is dedicated to the data analysis.
Other equipments:
UNIVERSAL OVEN U Type UP 400, GERMANY, with controlled thermal set up and temperature rise. Maximum temperature: 310°C.
Heraeus Vӧtsch Oven for thermal annealing under bias. Maximum temperature: 130°C.
FURNACE RHF 17/10 TMAX 1200 C , FURNACES CARBOLITE, ENGLAND. The highest temperature is equal to 1700°C and the furnace is equipped with a programmable temperature control system.
DIAMOND WIRE CUTTING MACHINE Well-3242-3, manual regulation of the cutting pressure and possibility to select the velocity between 1and 11 r/s.
LAPPING MACHINE Remet LS1, working at a velocity of 300 r.p.m. and plates with diameter equal to 200 mm.
X-rays analysis (powder and single crystals)
Chemical analysis (ICP OES)
Granulometry, BET
Electronic microscopy (SEM, TEM)
Transmission spectra and absorption (Double beam spectrophotometer VARIAN Cary 5000)
Photoluminescence (Fluorolog 3 Horiba) - UV-Visible-MIR detection range
UV excitation sources (possibility to access to VUV excitation with a D2 lamp), Xe lamp, Visible and IR laser diode laser
Correlative luminescence/raman microscopy (Labram confocal microluminescence equipement)
Surface characterization (XPS)
Electrical measurements
Thermal measurements
Resonance spectroscopy (Mössbauer, NMR, EPR)
Liquid helium access
Transmission Electron microscopy (TEM)
High resolution TEM
Scanning electron microscope XL30S FEG
Scanning electron microscope quanta 600 FEG
Electron Probe microanalysis (WDS)
Secondary ion mass spectrometry IMS7F
Transmission Electron microscopy (TEM)
High resolution TEM
Scanning electron microscope XL30S FEG
Scanning electron microscope quanta 600 FEG
Electron Probe microanalysis (WDS)
Secondary ion mass spectrometry IMS7F
UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscopy by Perkin Elmer lambda 950 (also coupled to integrating sphere, or to accessory for fiber measurements). Temperature range: 10-300 K. wavelength interval: 190-3300 nm.
Refractive index measurement
MICRO-FTIR Spectroscopy (Thermo Scientific Nicolet iN10)
MICRO-RAMAN Spectroscopy (Dilor Jobin Yvon, he-Ne and Argon laser excitation)
EDXRF Analysis
Photoluminescence (Xenon lamp excitation; emission detected by Jobin-Yvon Symphony CCD in the 200-1100 nm interval; temperature range: 10-500 K).
Time resolved photoluminescence from nanosecond to millisecond time scales, laser and lamp excitations (Edinburgh Instr. FLS980 and Cary Eclipse apparatuses).
Optically stimulated luminescence (Risø TL-DA-20 reader)
Laser Ablation ICP Mass Spectrometry